Ring of Fire
Exactly the same as Kings only English rules as follows:
- 2 - 5 Red - Nominate. The number of the card indicates the amount of fingers that have to be consumed. Fingers refers to the width of a finger. For instance, if you ordered two fingers of whiskey, hold your index and middle fingers parallel, like an equal sign. Hold that against the glass, and that will tell you how much to pour into the glass
- 2 - 5 Black - drink it yourself .same rules apply as the first one. It's normally safe to say that if you get 5 fingers you might as well drink the whole thing.
- 6 - Thumbmaster - Thumbs down on table - last one to do it finishes their drink, irregardless of whether it has just been opened.
- 7 - Waterfall - Everyone drinks and can only stop when the person before you has stopped. Loser chooses a spirit and does a shot. (tip: go light. a shot of tequila or vodka will kill you in the long run)
- 8 - Find a mate - you and a mate of your nomination drink a shot
- 9 - Rhyme - first player chooses a word and then you go round the table and rhyme. Loser has to finish drink.
- 10 - Categories - Choose a category and go round naming things from that category until someone messes up. Example : Simpsons Characters: Bart, Lisa, Homer etc... Punishment is a shot.
- Jack - Tell a Story : One day... we.... went.... to..... the.... Each player says a word until the story stops. Person to the right of you gets to choose what you drink. only one shot.
- Queen - Make a rule - Best ones include: no pointing, no using first names, no swearing etc.. loser finishes their drink.
- King - Add to the drink. Make sure its a pint glass in the middle of the cards. Add whatever you want to it if you pick out a king. Last person to get a king has to drink it all
- Aces- Faces - person who gets the card gets to choose when to put their hands to their face. Last one to do it finishes their drink.
- When cards have been picked from the circle they go on top of a can of beer. Like Jenga, Keep stacking until they fall off. Person who makes them fall off drinks the whole thing.
English beer pong
Stolen from American beer pong. Just 2 rules added from the original. Me and my friend made it up just to make it more interesting.
- The middle cup on both sides has to be filled with some concoction of spirits. Example: 3 shots of Vodka and Red bull or Rum and Coke. Be creative!
- This rule is a killer. Make sure you have lots of beer. If the ball, when thrown, hits the rim of a cup and bounces off it is eligible to be caught by the opponents. If they catch first time, out of the air then you have to add another beer to your drinks. Be aware, If you are bad at this game like I am you can go through a case of beer very quickly.
Drinking Monopoly
Another invention of ours to make a good game interesting. Each section relates to a drink. This gets very messy, so drink in moderation. The only time the punishments set in is when you land on it and someone owns it. If nobody owns it then you don't drink. Punishment is delegated by how much you want to drink. A sip of each will ensure you get drunk. A shot is ridiculous.
Baltic and Mediterranean Avenue - Brown - Beer
Oriental, Vermont, Connecticut - Light Blue - Pop (Just to break it up a bit)
St Charles, States, Virginia - Purple - Salt Water (Terrible Idea)
St James, Tennessee, New York - Orange - Tequila or Vodka
Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois - Red - Whisky
Atlantic, Ventnor, Marvin - Yellow - Beer
Pacific, North Carolina, Pennsylvania - Green - Whatever you have lying around.
Park Place, Boardwalk - Dark Blue - Whatever you want!
Railroads - The person who owns it gets to choose what you drink
Electric/ Water - Safe. don't have to drink
Jail - Full beer
Community Chest and Chance - Safe
Free Parking - Safe
Tax - One shot of anything.
Be careful of this one!!!!
Tongue Twister Games
These aren't so bad drinking wise and are hilarious to play.
G'day Bruce!!! (Australian game)
This is hard to explain. So look it up on youtube if it's still not clear.
Everyone in a circle...
IN an Australian accent, the person who starts addresses the person to their left and says: "G'day Bruce"
That person responds with "G'Day Bruce"
Then the orginal person says, " Say G'Day to Bruce, Bruce" and gestures to a 3rd person
The 2nd person says "Gday Bruce" to the 3rd person, who then answers "Gday Bruce" back to him and it carries on with the same thing from there
When someone screws it up, they drink half their drink and they change their name.. To 'Sheila' for example, so it now becomes
"G'day Sheila"
"G'day Bruce"
"Say G'day to Bruce, Sheila"
Start off as Bruce
1 Mistake - Sheila
2 Mistakes - Dave
3 Mistakes - You make up a random noise and become that
4 Mistakes - You are out.
One Frog
The complete sentence is " One frog......Jumped into.......The Pond.......Kerplunk!
This is if only 4 people are playing
Round 1: Round 2:
1st person; One frog 1st Person : two frogs
2nd person: Jumped into 2nd person: two frogs
3rd Person : the pond 3rd person : Jumped into
4th person : kerplunk! 4th person : Jumped into
Round 3: Round 4:
1st person; the pond 1st Person : three frogs
2nd person: the pond 2nd person: three frogs
3rd Person : kerplunk! 3rd person : three frogs
4th person : kerplunk! 4th person : Jumped into
So the amount of times you say the words goes up according to how many frogs there are. Designate your own drinks on this one, its hard enough to do as it is, and it's even harder when you've had a few drinks.
This drinking game has a number of variations, and is played with everyone sat around in a circle performing actions. The first person to make a mistake must drink 3 fingers. How to Play The first player shouts out "Yee-Ha!" and pushes their arm with fist clenched across their body in the direction they wish play to be in. The game then continues, using the following rules: * A call of "Yee-Ha!" accompanied by the arm and clenched fist pushed in the direction of play moves it on to the next player. * A call of "Hay Barn!" with both arms raised to resemble a roof above the head means the next player is missed. * A call of "Hoe Down!" with the opposite arm to the direction of play pulled down as if like a barrier means the direction of play is reversed. * A call of "Cow Girl!" with both hands cupped as if to cup your own breasts means the direction of play is reversed and a player is missed. No action and call may be used 3 times in a row. If this happens, the offending player drinks a penalty of 3 fingers, and the phrase "Three in a row" is sung repeatedly as an accompaniment to this. The game ends when someone makes a mistake of any kind. That person must drink 3 fingers, but gets to start the next round.
Boat Race
In this drinking game, the group is divided into two or more equal teams. These teams sit down opposite sides of a long table, or in rows on the floor. Each person has the same amount of drink, be it beer, wine or shots. Get your favourite! At the call of ”Go!”, the people at one end of each team down their drink. The next person along on each team may not start to down their drink until the previous person has finished. The winning team is whichever side has everyone finished all their drinks first. No cheats! Try not to spill any drink too. This drinking game is best enjoyed in a group of 5-15 people, but could really work with any number!
Dirty Pint
This drinking game uses a central drinking glass and a coin, its really easy and fun. Each player takes it in turns. On their turn, they put any amount of their own drink they choose into the central drinking glass (the ‘Dirty Pint’). They then must toss a coin, calling which side they predict it will land on. If they choose correctly, then the Dirty Pint is passed to the next player. He/she then adds their chosen amount and then tosses then coin themselves. If they choose incorrectly, they must down whatever is in the Dirty Pint at that time. The Dirty Pint is then passed to the next person and the game continues.
Ride The Bus
This drinking game is played with a pack of playing cards. 10 cards are dealt in a pyramid shape. Each player takes a turn of "riding the bus." To Ride the bus you choose one card from each line of the pyramid, starting at the bottom and the working your way up. If at any point you come across a face card, then you drink that amount of fingers of your drink. For instance, if I make it to the 3rd line and hit a face card, then I must do 3 fingers of my drink and start again. Each player carries on riding the bus until they make it to the top f the pyramid without hitting a face card.